Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Hydro Power Water Wheels New Trend

Hydro Power or Wind Power?

Hydro power is one form of alternative energy that is very feasible to obtain if you have a creek or river. Like Wind Power, Hydro works off a generator that is powered by water flow.
Hydro power and water wheels that supply large amounts of power have been around for centuries! Some of the U.S. major power supply comes from hydro systems as most knows the Hoover Dam.
Hoover Dam Hydro Power
Hoover Dam Hydro Power
There is a new trend of DIY home owners that have water supply to create their own mini Hoover Dam Hydro Power systems. These systems are very inexpensive to create and depending on your water flow can produce a great amount of energy!
I’m in the process of creating my own Hydro Power Wheel as I have a nice size creek about 150 ft. from my house and runs constantly all yr. This power can run 24 hrs. a day and give you power after the sun has gone down. I found this old HVAC wheel that I'm thinking about converted it over to be a Hydro Wheel... :)
DIY Hydro Wheel
DIY Hydro Wheel
Very similar to wind generators, hydro power using water instead of wind to move the generator to power your house or business 24/7.
I will continue to add more solar panels which can be easier to maintain and little risk compared to Hydro. Hydro power has moving parts that can break or water flows can get to high and damage some of the parts. But if you feel confident that you can achieve safe and workable hydro systems it can pay off 24 hrs. a day while Solar power only works when the sun is out.

Thanks for reading! Please see my Solar Company Directory to submit for more exposure. Solar Service Guy.

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